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Late At Night

I need to go to the woods and drum

I feel the sky closing in on me 

I need to go to the woods and run

I feel the earth shaking beneath my feet

If I can sway with the green leaves

and climb barefoot to the highest branch

maybe I can find my peace again

maybe I can stand on solid ground again

I need to run to the hills and twirl across the flowered meadows

surely there the sky and the land and the clouds and the rain and the little worms burrowed in the ground and the little sprouts pushing towards the sun

will nourish me back to wholeness


◄ Thoughts on Poetry

Mental Meandering ►


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Ferris Ty Taylor

Fri 22nd Sep 2023 07:59

I think that sensitive people are rewarded for the pain they experience by being open to the healing powers of nature.

Finding solid ground on the highest branch speaks of somebody hurt enough to put themselves in danger, and I hope that you're okay

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