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Sycamore Gap

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The Sycamore Gap

Is just 'The gap'

Its body tumbled, bleeding sap

For 200 years its leafy hair

Ruffled to whispers in swirling air

O! What it heard in ages past!

Now, sadly lost

It's heard its last…



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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 1st Oct 2023 14:53

Thank you for commenting Ferris, M.C. Stephen & Uilleam. A completely senseless act. And for what?
Thanks again

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 29th Sep 2023 16:31

Any twit can chop down a tree, Stephen, and sadly one of them did.
It's horrible that two hundred years of service to the planet is wiped out in a few moments.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 29th Sep 2023 10:11

Thank you Stephen, what a tragedy; I've been up there, on the Pennine Way.
A 200 hundred ? year old tree whose felling, like millions of others around the world, was motivated by crass stupidity, greed, evil, you name it....?

On the positive side, I wonder whether shoots may possibly grow from the stump? Of course that’s a matter for the expert naturalists…but as a lesson to children who live in and around the area, I propose that be each invited to plant a tree to form a protective copse around the stump, so that they be given some “ownership” over and protective feelings towards nature in general.

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 29th Sep 2023 00:36

These lines manage to capture the void left by a senseless act
that would have horrified Gerald Manley Hopkins. For my own
part, I recall the words of WB Yeats from "The Second Coming"
(from memory which might err) -
What rough beast, its time come round at last
Lurches towards Bethlehem to be born.

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Ferris Ty Taylor

Thu 28th Sep 2023 18:23

Reads like Blake!

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