It's time to move on
It's time to move on
After all the assaults
Done on me
Physical, emotional, financial
Either by you or your people
It's better we change our paths
When your people are so against
They are purchasing criminals
They are using unfair means
Already so much has been destroyed
Sometimes you were involved too
I've been heavily paying price for loving you
So why don't you just follow their dictates
And live your life as their friend and slave
As I live mine with my people
It's time to move on
Cos you aren't strong enough to keep me safe
You can't protect me from your people
And your own people are my enemy and haters
Then how can I take risks of entering your zone
Making myself easily available to them
Who cause me more injuries and bring more destruction
It's better we stay away from each other
Although in 5 years we were only sharing a distant relationship
Still I've been harmed and permanently damaged for loving you
It's also a form of love and care
That we pray for each other and stay away
So it's time to move on
For I can smell my murder in the hands of your very close people
And you will keep standing and witnessing
Not doing anything in return to me
You can't even protect me from the evil plans of your loved ones
Then why put my life in dangerous position
I love you and forever will
But that doesn't mean we've got to be in each other's arms even
Let this distance be our forever togetherness
Which will help you and me too
It's sire time to say goodbye
Without hurting anyones sentiments
May you find the one your people will love, protect, respect and honour
And for now I'm still in a long healing up
After which I shall turn a new chapter
So it's time to move on
Whether you like it or don't
Tell all your friends, family, folks, hired or fired people
To permanently leave my life and step back
For my tolerance is also loosing control
And I don't wish to hurt your people who are dear to you
And give them a chance to accuse you for making a choice
This is my final decision after which I'm never going to make any decision
No reconsidering and trying anymore
As evedences of my destruction falls against your loved ones
They care for you and wish to possess you forevermore
As for me, I've released all my energies, commitments and care
From your people and from you permanently from this day onwards
You go your way and I request let me go my way
Kindly don't try anything to change my mind
No emotional blackmail nor any other way
It's time to move on and so I'm moving on
And this time forever and ever eternally
Mon 9th Oct 2023 12:35