pdf girl
My partner is a pdf
so friendly and convenient
everyone likes to have her around
In fact she’s a vital ingredient!
Better than word or google docs
Compact or in full
in any group work she rocks it out
customisable and very cool.
There is but one flaw,
which keeps me on my toes
is her tendency to attach to anyone
That someone did compose...
I suppose you’d call it poly..
A modern thing to try
but it boils my piss when she’s attached to another
and brings forth a long, sad sigh…
But I love her regardless
as in truth, I was her first
and despite her multiple attachments
I hope for the best - but plan for the worst.
One day I’ll add a password
to stop strangers prying eyes
and clandestine attachments would mean nothing then
And keep safe her loving thighs.
Some might say
‘if she is true,
let her go, and she will return’
To which I reply ‘oh I don’t think so,
how about god-damn no?
get lost and screw you’
Billy's Bragg