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When mercy sleeps.

When mercy sleeps

Compassion dies

And love cries for all that’s gone

Because grace has stopped searching

For the lost and vulnerable

And pity has become a dirty word

That lines the rubbish bins of those that have


And all those who have not are perceived

To bite the hand that feeds them

Because they are apparently

Filthy scrounging and greedy

As the needy and hungry no longer exist

In a world where mercy sleeps

Tired out by the demands

Of another queue of those deemed to be undeserving

And compassion lies dying in the dust

As all that has meant so much in previous generations

Has turned a funny shade of rust

And the cracks begin to show

As small pieces fall away to the touch

And love cries


But when mercy awakes

And is refreshed

Compassion lives

And love smiles

For all that grace has found for all of those

Who no longer live under the threat

Of destruction and despair

For all who live under the same sun

Under the same

Bright blue sky 


◄ Nothing more than a paper thin kiss

A Christmas story ►


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Martin Elder

Wed 18th Oct 2023 08:57

Thanks guys for the likes and thanks to Stephen and Helene for your encouraging comments. I wrote this back in 2016, but somehow it seems appropriate now
Love and peace to all

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Tue 17th Oct 2023 11:49

This poem is wonderful! Thank you Martin. This poem lifted my morning into a smile. Beautiful words, beautiful thoughts.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 17th Oct 2023 09:30

A wonderful and ultimately uplifting poem, Martin. So much remarkable imagery. An important poem for these times.

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