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A Christmas story


So last month I’m done the pub

Minding me own, like you do

When I comes across an old mate named Joe

I call out to him as he passes by

He’s in a bit of a hurry

Turns out he’s with his new missus

A quiet girl named Mary

Who’s carrying one if you get my drift 

He’s got her on a donkey

As it turns out they are doing one

Something about an angel told them

To go somewhere else double quick

I thought that would be an end to it


Then the next thing I know a couple of nights ago

Three posh geezers come by dripping with money

Enquiring after Joe and his missus

They say that they have presents for the kid

And something about following a star

And mums the word if you catch my drift

Don’t tell Herod

Because he’s got it in for the kid

So, after a nod and wink

I think no more about it

Until I see this star myself

Shining as bright as day if you please

And now rumours are going round

There was no place for Joe and his missus to stay

So, the kid a boy named Jesus was born out

In a stable amongst a load of hay

Behind some old inn

Surrounded by animals

Cor what will happen next

Soon they will be calling him King


◄ When mercy sleeps.

The last ditch stand of seasonal Jovility ►


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Martin Elder

Mon 18th Dec 2023 23:02

Thanks Stephen

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 13th Dec 2023 21:35

An absolute delight, Martin.

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Martin Elder

Tue 12th Dec 2023 21:43

Thanks for your comments M. C. yes you are right it is a Typo. Should read down oops

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 12th Dec 2023 15:20

P.S. In the first line, is it "done" or "down" (the pub)? 😏

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 11th Dec 2023 17:33

An inventive alternative view of the origins of Christmas that
is both relevant and humorous against the setting of this modern age. It speaks volumes for the generous spirit of the Christian
attitude to love and life that we are able to appreciate the
original and still feel able to enjoy (as here) a witty pastiche
upon it that connects in the best way. Nice one.

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