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We The People

We the people,

live on the edge

of knowledge

built by human endeavour.



to embrace,


not scorn.


You claim wisdom 

ignore experts,

you born again




I can’t believe 

I’m reduced 

to refuting 

your nonsense.


Just thought

I’d let you know,




Conspiracy Theoriesconspiracy theorists

◄ Border Spectacle

Autumnal Abscission ►


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John Gilbert Ellis

Sat 28th Oct 2023 16:28

Thank you Stephen. I’ve given up trying to argue with such views. It’s an impossible task with some people. That’s why this poem is so curt.

Thanks also for the likes from Holden, Manish and Red Brick Keshner.

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 28th Oct 2023 08:10

Well put, John. A good response to climate change deniers ('the science is divided, mate, it says so on You Tube') and people who (still) claim that the moon landings never happened.

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John Gilbert Ellis

Wed 25th Oct 2023 21:20

One for the conspiracy theorists after reading their newspapers, and a nod to Charles Bukowski.

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