What we see, may not be true
What we feel, could be wrong too
What goes around, may never return
Not everything is tit for tat
Everything appears green, when specs are green
Once we take off the spectacles, vision turns reality
It's all about our own perspective
Most of the time it's got nothing to do with others
Our own demons mess with our little mind
Creating dreams, wishes, fears and inhibitions that don't exist
We'll never know the other person's perspective
Probably the other person is also unaware of their perspective too
Overthinking, analysing situations and events
May bring different outcomes to different people
Revenge may be a part of persons way of handling people
It may not be for someone else, ignoring, avoiding better used
Jumping to conclusions without conversation, is absolute false
Two way communication always enhances the chances of correct results
Our mind is a world in itself, especially a poets world
We are all in our minds, pros cons, good bad, incorrect observations
Practice pause, that's what we need
Everything reveals in its best way, when time's right
Nigel Astell
Fri 27th Oct 2023 17:08
Two way communication
Fills those gaps
That misleading choices
Begin taking you
Totally different paths.❤