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There’s a shell in side that hides it all

And a shell outside that stops the fall

The little gap between them both

Is where I live with little hope


Which is thickest I don’t know

Which one will melt away like snow

Which has the  crack I need

For me to say at last I’m freed


Shelter, is what I have 

From the hail  above from the current below

I live in numbness, lost and blind

Between the walls between my minds


A careless tear is all I need

Wept by an Angel devoid of greed

One from the heart of a distant lover

To wash away all that  smothers


Emerge to light , the warm soft meadow

Lift pilgrim from the shadow

Leave behind the relics past

Cast off transcending ghost at last.


09/11/2023. 21:15-22:04




◄ I stretch my hand

Monsters at 7 ►


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Pete (edbreathe)

Sun 12th Nov 2023 21:03

Well it was it the first person when I wrote it , but I changed it when I posted this .
Which teaches me a lesson
I have never altered a poem on the past .
So changed it back


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Graham Sherwood

Sun 12th Nov 2023 18:51

Your first verse is incredibly good! I would like it even more in the first person but bravo!

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