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Oswald and Chapman

Late November, 

early December. 


The blood-spattered dress. 

The shattered lenses. 


Across the years 

same shock and tears. 


Rifle skills into practice. 

Imagine such riches. 


The Communist, the Christian: 

two fame-jealous hitmen. 







◄ George Orwell, where art thou?

A Morpeth Christmas ►


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Graham Sherwood

Thu 23rd Nov 2023 08:54

one could argue that both America and music have been going downhill ever since!
I personally like the pared back feel of this Greg.

Signposts of our time nicely done


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Greg Freeman

Thu 23rd Nov 2023 08:47

Written after watching a BBC4 documentary on Lee Harvey Oswald, which suggested he did act alone, Steve. Maybe it is too stark, but I wanted to link the worldwide reaction to the death of JFK with that of John Lennon's killing. Thanks for the Likes, Moonlight and John Gilbert.

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 22nd Nov 2023 21:09

Absolutely chilling and stunning in its brevity, Greg.

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