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Faded memory

Faded memories never hurt

Cause no pain, nor any strain

There's hardly anything in brain

Deleted, tattered tit bits remain

That finds no sequence and no trail

Voices from distance don't remain

Shady images of person's frame

Words obsolete can't retain

First hello, last goodbye

Promises or vices

Virtues  nor letters

A past that's almost blurred

No love, no hate

Nothing that was ever exchanged

Nightmares that followed romance

Overdid all that preceded

Concentration nor meditation

Brings back no memories

What once was

Was it ever exchanged?

All obliterated, all constrained

Faded faces have no power

On my heart nor on my soul

Nothing connecting to history

No pics, no letters

No memories ever made

Except for hue and cry

Confusions and mistrust

What's there in the past 

Worth mentioning

Or remembering?

Detached and broken

All pearls missing

Nothing remains with me

Only bitter taste of shadowy faded memory

Didn't do it intentionally

It happened naturally

Gradually all leaf fell off the memory tree

Their life was numbered

With years of lack of nourishment

It died a solemn death

Faded memories engraved

As the last words of distorted past

Epitaph says, "it's only a dead story of faded memory"


◄ Third part lies

Silenced ►


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Wed 29th Nov 2023 05:46

If memories of love fades
Then it sure was fake love
Better to fade than be sorry😄

Could be Nigel👍

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Nigel Astell

Mon 27th Nov 2023 13:23

Memories lost
thrown away
not wanted
not needed
- - -
while writing
this poem
they bring
themselves back.❤

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