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In the rubble, he found an arm

It was very small, it wore a charm

An olive tree, on a silver chain

His little girl had one the same

But, that was attached to the whole of her?

Perhaps, the tears made his vision blur

He gently kissed it, laying it down 

And, began again to search around.


◄ Life ‘n’ God ‘n’ Death ‘n’ Stuff

The Tale Of A Ragged Boy ►


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Patricia Ziel

Mon 3rd Jun 2024 22:44

WOW! Really powerful.

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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 3rd Dec 2023 14:06

Thank you all for the stiring comments. Some of the sights & stories coming out of this conflict are as heartbreaking as they are horrific. Not forgetting the pointless war in Ukraine. We can only hope it never comes to our door.

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 1st Dec 2023 20:15

There's real power which pulls you up short in this, Stephen. A really significant poem.

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 1st Dec 2023 14:12

If we still did Poem Of The Month here on WOL this would be it!
For all the bile and rhetoric of earlier efforts concerning the various worldly conflicts espoused here, the sheer brevity of this piece wipes them all away.

Bravo Stephen


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M.C. Newberry

Fri 1st Dec 2023 11:09

Terse and tough to take.

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Fri 1st Dec 2023 10:09

Wow, a real gut punch in 8 lines. 👍

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Manish Singh Rajput

Fri 1st Dec 2023 08:54

I agree with John, Stephen. This poem broke me.💔

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John Coopey

Fri 1st Dec 2023 08:39

Strewth, Stephen! How much more power can you pack in so few lines. Disturbing. Visual. It has everything.

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