Free Will and Philosophy
They built a dam, to hold back the river Rotte
Out of the delta grew a city on reclaimed land
Erasmus was there and he was nearly caught
Taking the gateway to the world out past the sand
He ran the gauntlet of choice, a labyrinth so tangled
It created difficulties in thinking of the art of theology
His free thoughts were threatened and about to be strangled
By the contrast of confronters who were eager to disagree
Aristotle was pleased with their consensus turned knowledge
Despite the irrefutable certainty that one’s own thoughts be free
Socrates, he authored nothing but was known for his verbal pledge
That he knew not any answers, but he’d ask the right questions you see
If you think long enough and loud enough, they’ll call it philosophy
Making me ponder what might be found in those revelations of thought
But then again, I’m just a simple man who has not the faculties to disagree
If I challenge, I’ll do so tongue-n-cheek, with disclaimer, it’s how I was taught