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Prayers for good health

James had been feeling off for a while now, but he had ignored his symptoms, thinking they were just a passing flu. But when he found himself unable to move out of bed, he knew something was seriously wrong. His parents rushed him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a serious illness. As he lay in the hospital bed, unable to even see his family due to the strict hospital measures, James couldn't help but feel isolated and alone.

Isabella, lived in a nearby city and was unable to visit him. Feeling helpless, she began to worry about James' well-being. She wanted to be there for him, to hold his hand and offer him words of comfort. But instead, she sat in her room, feeling helpless and worried.

Unable to bear it any longer, Isabella picked up her pen and paper and began to write a letter to James. She poured her heart out onto the page, telling him how worried she was about his health. She shared her prayers and well-wishes, hoping that they would reach him and bring some comfort.

Isabella's cousin, who lived in the same city as James, had offered to take the letter to him. She eagerly accepted, grateful for the opportunity to do something for James. As soon as the letter was in her cousin's hands, Isabella felt a sense of relief. She knew that it would reach James and bring him some comfort in his isolation.


I was deeply saddened to hear about your illness, especially during what should be a joyful time of celebration for the new year. When I received the news, the pain I felt was overwhelming. Although I am unable to be physically present with you, I wanted to ensure that my heartfelt message reaches you, carrying with it prayers for your good health and wishes for a speedy recovery.

I want you to know that your parents are extremely concerned about your well-being. They are doing everything in their power to consult with the best doctors and ensure that you receive the finest treatment available. While I may not be able to assist directly with the hospital affairs, please know that my thoughts and prayers are constantly with you and your family.

I sincerely hope that during these tough times, your parents find the strength they need to overcome the challenges they are facing. In times like these, it is crucial to maintain trust and faith in God. Believe that He will listen to your prayers and provide you with the strength and healing you need. Remember, you are never alone in this illness; the support of your loved ones, including myself and my family, will always be there for you.

If there is anything specific you need assistance with or if you require any information, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am here to help in any way possible.

Take good care of yourself, James, and know that we are all praying for your swift recovery.

With my sincerest wishes for your health and well-being,


As James read the letter, tears welled up in his eyes. He had been feeling so alone, but Isabella's words brought him comfort and reassurance. He could feel her care and support through every word, and it gave him the strength he needed to continue his fight against the illness.

He read the letter multiple times, each time feeling more grateful for Isabella's care and support. And as he drifted off to sleep, he knew that with her by his side, he could overcome anything. His love for her only grew stronger, and he made a promise to himself that as soon as he was better, he would make it up to her in any way he could.

Isabella's letter had not only lifted James' spirits but also reminded him of the importance of the people in his life. He realized that he had taken his loved ones for granted and vowed to cherish them more when he was fully recovered.



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Tue 2nd Jan 2024 09:55

Isabella was just a therapist i guess😄

Thanks Nigel for your poetic comments🌷

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Nigel Astell

Tue 2nd Jan 2024 00:00

Connecting love into words
a letter of prayer
reading again and again
James gains vital strength
to battle harder knowing
he was no longer
alone in his battle
Isabella was with him
best medicine God sent.❤

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