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The new un-natural

It’s not just the depressed teen
grandmother in the home
dog on a leash 
representative on the phone

everyone feels alone 

from the closed bars 
to the richest man in the world 
from the visitors on mars 
to your new crush as a girl 

no one has a clue 
and fewer still know to ask

some are too proud 
and the rest too ashamed 
to let it crack aloud 
to do something sane

everyone feels alone 

driving that truck across country 
selling that home for a lot of money 
racing that horse as a hobby 
it’s the human condition 

just one thing can cure it 
that love that few get 
and fewer know how to keep it alive 
in their hearts minds and bones

everyone feels alone


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Robert C Gaulke

Tue 9th Jan 2024 14:10

Hi Uilleam- I feel it to be somewhat a cross between an existential condition and the vagaries of capitalism. R

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 2nd Jan 2024 16:22

Being alone is not necessarily oppressive. I live alone, having
spent a working life watching over other people's lives. It is
a state of mind: nothing more, nothing less. And if you are
content in your own company you are unlikely to experience
being solitary as an enemy in your life. The opposite, in fact.
Happy New Year!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 2nd Jan 2024 11:47

Thanks Robert.
Is there something about the nature of today's society which causes us to feel alone....or should I say, lonely?

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