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Chilling of the Heart

There is a coolness that chills the heart, it lingers in the air

It comes not from the weather but from the malice of despair

Empty souls rambling about with vacant eyes looking nowhere

Bulging wallets stuffed in pockets and handbags lined with gold

In the market stand many people waiting for their turn to be sold

You flaunt your individuality, yet you only do what you’ve been told

Ladies walking the razor’s edge attempt to buy beauty that doesn’t fail

Striving for that elusive perfection as they sink deeper into cosmetic hell

Admiring the mannequin in the mirror, admiring their painted synthetic shell

Arrogant men before the glass vainly admire reflections of their emperor suit

No need for intellect, skills, or common sense, so long as they believe their cute

They have nothing of value to offer accept an opinion they feel is beyond dispute

The new norm isn’t even a norm, it’s a lifestyle created from delusion and deception

Self-proclaimed protagonists move through the streets keeping good sense on the run

The heat of derision is rising as a callous nation practices the art of hatred and rejection

Misplaced belief falls on false profits, whose voices dissuade the masses moral sense

Empathy stumbles upon her path, her heart cooled by the heavy fog of indifference

But still, hope lingers, scattered among the few with passions burning so intense

They quietly influence those around them through their acts of kindness

Subtle little ripples of warmth, calming the souls, easing the stress

Like fine-tuned instruments they handle life with gentle finesse

There is a coolness that chills the heart, it lingers in the air

The winds of change are increasing, signs that we still care

That we are willing to fight for betterment, willing to dare

To pass on compassion, mending trust in need of repair


◄ Clothesline

She Did Not Know ►


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