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Wealthy People

Wealthy people: those with homes
Hairy people: those with combs
Royal people: those with thrones
Nosey people: those with drones
Music people: those with tones
Skinny people: those with bones
Traffic people: those with cones
Talking people: those with phones
Double people: those with clones
Gloomy people: those with moans (and groans)
Electric people: those with ohms
Library people: those with tomes
Garden people: those with gnomes
Hiking people: those with roams
Soil people: those with loams
Oyster people: those with zones*
Student people: those with loans
Rumsfeld people: those with knowns (and known unknowns)
Devon people: those with scones**
Sharper people: those with hones
Wiccan people: those with crones
Wealthy people: those with homes

*One for the Londoners
**Controversial, on so many levels

◄ The Stalybridge Tornado

The King's Piss ►


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Steve White

Sun 14th Jan 2024 10:37

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 13th Jan 2024 12:26

Thanks, Steve.
My mum always drilled into me that your "health is your wealth".
I consider myself to be wealthy, in that he NHS saved my life on two occasions: at my birth, and some years ago, enabling me to continue providing for my family, pay off our mortgage and to keep a roof over our heads.
The current shower have vowed to destroy everything that made that possible, hence the social problems we now see in the UK.

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Steve White

Sat 13th Jan 2024 07:36

House prices have risen from approximately four times average earnings in the 1990's to nine times or more in recent years, and home ownership has fallen as a consequence. A third of millennials, it is suggested, may never be able to afford to buy their own home, and half of them will still be renting in their 40's.

Our generation(s) have sleepwalked into a world where our children will not have the opportunities that we did. They regard homeowners as wealthy, because that's what they are.

But yes, Reggie's Ghost, the banks do very well out of mortgage lending.

I find Gary Stevenson's YouTube channel very informative on all this stuff.

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Reggie's Ghost

Fri 12th Jan 2024 21:31

People with homes wealthy? Well not for 25 years whilst paying the mortgage. Then not long after finish paying you're an OAP.

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Steve White

Fri 12th Jan 2024 20:04

Thanks Uilleam and Carlton. I have a feeling that I missed a comment that got deleted before I saw it.

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David RL Moore

Tue 9th Jan 2024 18:14

Some clever combo's here Steve.

I thought UoC's use of the term "cretin" was rather diplomatic.

Nice one.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 9th Jan 2024 16:38

Well it's not that difficult to buy a home: just ask all those people on the street.
And it's not that difficult to keep a rented roof over your head; just ask all those disabled people who've been thrown out of their homes together with their carers under "no fault notices".


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 7th Jan 2024 12:46

Excellent Steve.
I've listened to some of Lowkey's discussions, and from what I've heard he appears to be well-informed and thoughtful; just the kind of person we need to challenge the "official" narratives.

How about: "Musicians: those with metrognomes".

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Steve White

Sat 6th Jan 2024 08:16

Cheers Graham,
I thought that a poem about the unaffordability of housing in light of Sir Howard Davies's comments would be current 😀

Thanks Keith,
Big fan of Lowkey here too. His X(Twitter) feed is required reading at the moment and his support for the Grenfell community since the fire has been steadfast. I suspect he'd have made a better job of the poem than I did.

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 5th Jan 2024 22:09

Very clever work Steve! Couldn’t resist ohms could you 😂

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keith jeffries

Fri 5th Jan 2024 21:08


This must have taken some thought and time to compose. As I read it I found myself almost rapping. I am a fan of rap. Perhaps Lowkey would be interested.
Thanks as I really enjoyed this,

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