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The Little Pushover

Underneath every superficial smile

There laid something dark and vile

Hidden within each cloying word

Was a vicious glee buried and blurred


For years, she was blind

And needlessly kind

But she was finally aware,

That, they would never care

It was all a cruel pretense

At her expense


For, she was the little pushover

Who would helplessly hover

For recognition and acceptance again and again

Though it was all in vain


As all those memories struck her again,

She was filled with searing pain

A melancholic smile etched her face

As the rolling tears left their trace


She made a vow

To never bow

To those pretentious weeds

And never again would she satiate their endless greeds 


◄ Turning of Age

The Boy-Who-Lived ►


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Sun 7th Jan 2024 17:00

Thank you Tim for reading my poem : ) You just described its whole essence eloquently within those few lines

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Tim Higbee

Sun 7th Jan 2024 14:55

She was made to bow
Then to crawl
But found strength somehow
To stand resilient and tall
Wonderful poem Nila. Loved the last stanza.

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