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Divine blanket of love

In a world of chaos and unrest,
Where worries and problems manifest,
We stand strong, undeterred by strife,
For we are armed with prayers in life.

No tensions can steal our peace away,
No sorrows can darken our sunny day,
For divine protection, we hold so dear,
Envelops us, dispelling every fear.

Within the fortress of faith we reside,
Shielded from storms, with love as our guide,
Tsunamis may roar, but we remain calm,
Wrapped in the embrace of a heavenly balm.

Grateful we are to Allah Subhanahu tala \ God Almighty, wise,
Who blesses us not just with life's surprise,
But also with guidance, a compass true,
Keeping us warm in His love's gentle hue.

No problems can shatter our joyful embrace,
No worries can mar our boundless grace,
For in prayers we find strength anew,
A divine blanket, forever woven for me and you.


Explanation of the above poem


The given poem seems to express a person's faith and reliance on God during times of hardship. The speaker describes a world filled with chaos and unrest, but remains calm and undeterred because they have faith in a higher power. They believe that their prayers provide them with protection and guidance, and that they are sheltered by God's love. The speaker acknowledges the blessings they have received, such as life itself and the wisdom of God, and is grateful for the strength and peace that their faith provides.

In the first stanza, the speaker establishes the setting as a world filled with turmoil and worries. The use of the term "chaos" paints a vivid picture of the disorder and confusion present. The word "unrest" suggests that there is a general sense of unease and dissatisfaction among people. The speaker then goes on to describe their own response to this situation, which is to remain strong and unshaken by these external factors.

In the second stanza, the speaker compares their resilience to the enduring strength of the sun, which continues to shine despite any darkness or clouds that may surround it. They express confidence that their faith in God will help them weather any storms that come their way. The phrase "divine protection" reinforces the idea that they feel safeguarded by a higher power.

In the third stanza, the speaker describes their sense of security as being within the fortress of faith. The image of a fortress implies a strong, impenetrable shelter from the outside world. The use of the word "storms" suggests that they face external challenges, but their faith serves as a bulwark against these threats. The mention of love as their guide implies that their faith is not just a cold, intellectual concept, but something deeply personal and emotionally grounded.

In the fourth stanza, the speaker expresses gratitude to God for the blessings they have received, including life itself and the wisdom of God. They also acknowledge that their faith provides them with guidance and direction in their lives.

In the fifth stanza, the speaker asserts that even when faced with difficulties or hardships, their joy and sense of contentment remain intact. They liken their state to being wrapped in a warm, comforting blanket, which provides them with strength and reassurance. The phrase "heavenly balm" evokes an image of divine healing and consolation.


Finally, the speaker suggests that the source of this resilience is their shared faith in God, which serves as a bond between them.


◄ Jannah or Dozkh

This too shall pass ►


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