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Unity in diversity

Upon a roller coaster ride they go,
With people boarding, row by row,
Thrills and laughter, their hearts collide,
Creating a circle, unbreakable, tied.

Each one a piece, fitting in just right,
Building a wall, impenetrable, with might,
No outside forces can find their way in,
Nor can anyone escape from within.

Round and round, merry go round they spin,
No need for another circle to begin,
The load they carry feels just enough,
Their circle complete, no need for more stuff.

But amidst their perfect, uniform band,
Stands a rabbit, different, much in demand,
The rabbit keeps a distance, aloof, away,
Belonging elsewhere, it seems to say.

Searching for own kindred soul,
The rabbit seeks a home to belong,
Unaware, a gentle bird starts to roam,
Following the rabbit, far from rabbit's home.

At first, the bird is timid, afraid,
But charmed by the rabbit's unique shade,
The bird slowly begins to mend the way,
Building bridges, night and day.

Unbeknownst to them, mischief brews,
From the circle's rear, bridges they unscrew,
But the bird, now near the charming rabbit, 
Has no more bridges, no place to inhabit.

Yet, from within, an elder pillar ascends,
Witnessing the bird and the rabbit's amends,
With a smile, beckons them inside,
Opening hearts' doors, where they can reside.

In their private circle, united they stand,
The bird and the rabbit, hand in hand,
No longer stopped by the impenetrable wall,
As love and acceptance breaks down all.

So let us remember, this ride we share,
That differences make us unique and rare,
For in embracing diversity, we find,
A circle united, forever entwined.


◄ Shards of glass

The wisest knight ►


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Tim Higbee

Thu 18th Jan 2024 14:07

An intriguing and clever poem Watts. I like the ambiguous phrasing and the melding of well-established joyful action with uncertainty. Well written.

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Thu 18th Jan 2024 12:53

This is very beautiful

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