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The sea shell said


Ah, the beauty of language 
the power of imagination! 
From the depths of black holes 
to the soaring aspirations 
of the human spirit, 
our minds conjure and create
extraordinary visions of transcendence
the extraordinary ordinary. 
Like a ring of fire dancing 
with the mythical Phoenix, 
our thoughts ignite 
gleam like clouds parting 
to reveal sunshine on a tranquil sea:
absent friends, my family and me.
Oh, the freedom found in the simplest joy — 
playing tea party with my granddaughtet
witnessing the delicate, tentative snowdrops 
emerge from the black earth
after a long winter’s slumber. 
It’s as if nature is a wondrous act of re-creation,
new beginnings arise from the brutal fact of death.
But amidst this symphony of a life re-created
there remains an echo of a mood that stirs deep within us.
Let us call it despair — soon, very soon, we will depart
this mortal sod.
Like ripples on a lake 
where no winds blow
we are pulled towards the other
something we fear: elusive yet captivating. 
Is it the siren call of our dreams and desires
Urging us to reach out beyond what we think we know?
God give me the grace to embrace
this dance of life and death, 
stretch my imagination to its limit,
let my soul wander through black holes,
let me bask in the extraordinary depths of moments, 
for in these moments, we truly see into the heart of things.




◄ Hang on

Call it Dreamin' ►


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 28th Jan 2024 21:21

Thanks John
Oh, the freedom found in the simplest joy — 
playing tea party with my granddaughtet

Priceless-and now she's into the moon and telescopes!

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