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Rainbowed sight

Within our hearts overwhelming emotion's sway,
Tears flow as streams in graceful motion's play,
Through the windows of the soul, they gently dance,
Creating rainbowed images, the crier's chance.

Like feelings packed deep within a secret chest,
They find release through eyes, a vent, a quest,
Meandering, like molten mass, they roam,
Breaking all the dams that dare impede their home.

Geysers of water sprout forth, unconfined,
Pent-up desires, too strong to be defined,
Gushing with pressures built up deep inside,
Cheeks feel their healing touch, no need to hide.

Tears cascade down the face, a gentle grace,
Mixed with dreams and wishes, they interlace,
Yearning unfulfilled through the passage of time,
Exasperated, they fall, a drizzling chime.

Some tears lie hidden within a heart's embrace,
Concealed from all, even friends, and family's trace,
Where tears are seen as weakness or mere jest,
One holds them as a well, long lost and repressed.

But let's not forget the strength tears hold,
They in their release, stories unfold,
Cleansing spirits, healing the wounded soul,
In their shimmering embrace, we find our role.

So shed tears, let them flow, for they are true,
A testament of what we've been through,
In vulnerability's embrace, we find our might,
For tears reveal the essence of our inner light.


Explanation of the above poem


This is a poem about the emotional significance and value of tears. It explores the various reasons why people might cry, the ways in which tears are expressed and perceived by others, and the healing and strengthening effects that they can have on the soul. The poet also touches upon the social constructs that sometimes discourage the expression of emotions through tears.

The poem can be divided into three main parts: the first part describes the flow of tears as a natural process, likening them to rivers or streams; the second part focuses on the metaphorical "windows of the soul" through which tears flow, creating vivid emotional images; and the third part discusses the various contexts in which tears are experienced, both personal and social.

Throughout the poem, the poet employs a variety of literary devices such as personification (e.g., "tears find release through eyes, a vent, a quest," "Tears cascade down the face, a gentle grace," "Concealed from all, even friends, and family's trace, / Where tears are seen as weakness or mere jest,"), metaphor (e.g., "Tears flow as streams in graceful motion's play," "Like feelings packed deep within a secret chest," "Some tears lie hidden within a heart's embrace, / Concealed from all, even friends, and family's trace, / Where tears are seen as weakness or mere jest,"), and simile (e.g., "Like molten mass, they roam," "Gushing with pressures built up deep inside," "Meandering, like molten mass, they roam," "Geysers of water sprout forth, unconfined,").

The poem concludes by emphasizing the importance of embracing our emotions and recognizing the value of tears, not only as a means of expressing ourselves but also as a way to heal and grow. The final lines offer a reframing of the traditional view of tears as weakness, suggesting instead that they are a source of strength and resilience.


◄ Discovering oneself

Truth shall set you free ►


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 31st Jan 2024 09:38

Thanks Ghazala.
Tears are never a sign of weakness, but of the reality of our humanity and empathy.

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