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Truth shall set you free

In the search for truth, freedom shall be found,

Beware deceitful foes, masquerading all around,

Hidden beneath their masks, their true intentions lie,

But with discerning eyes, their secrets we'll untie.


A true friend is transparent, honest to the core,

No darkness in their heart, no secrets they implore,

But fake friends thrive in shadows, keep us in the dark,

Their lies and manipulation leave a lasting mark.


A lover who spins tales, a castle built on air,

Their web of deception, fragile and unfair,

But a true lover's foundation is built on love and truth,

Respecting one another, their bond forever smooth.


A superhero stands alone, strong and self-reliant,

No need for rescue, their strength is self-sufficient,

For true heroes work in silence, unseen by others' eyes,

Their acts of kindness, unnoticed, but never a surprise.


A ghost from the past, leaving darkness in their wake,

With lies and deception, a lasting heartache,

But true friends and loved ones help us find the light,

Guiding us through darkness, restoring what is right.


Though he posed as a foe, deep down he was a friend,

Mastering deception, his true motives to defend,

Unseen, he toiled tirelessly, day in and day out,

His actions hidden, his intentions devout.


Sincerity and purity, a path to God's embrace,

Goodness and truth will follow, never leaving a trace,

Only a liar shies away, unable to face the truth,

But those who speak honestly, shine through like a sleuth.


No need for messengers, when truth is pure and clear,

No lies to taint its essence, no falsehoods to adhere,

In words and deeds, honesty will always shine,

Even the blind can see it, a testament divine.


He sought the past's mistakes, to defame and expose,

But all he found was rubble, from innocence's repose,

Ashamed and defeated, he fell into his own snare,

Defamation his burden, a heavy cross to bear.


Darkness and light, they can never intertwine,

In their separate realms, their boundaries define,

Yin and yang coexist, harmonious yet apart,

But merging the two can never be their art.


A superficial blunder may bring an unexpected grace,

What seemed like goodness, may leave regret in its trace,

Let God decide what's best, through hardships we may roam,

For in the darkest nights, comfort will find its home.


In the search for truth, let freedom be our guide,

Avoid the lies of enemies, who pretend to be by our side,

For within ourselves, the light of truth will always shine,

And with its guiding glow, freedom will be thine.


Explanation of the above poem 


The poem encourages the pursuit of honesty and truthfulness in one's life, while cautioning against deceit and falsehood. The author personifies truth as a guiding light, and freedom as its ultimate reward. The poem also delves into the nuances of friendship, love, and heroism, emphasizing the importance of authenticity in these relationships.


The first stanza sets the tone for the poem, asserting that truth is the key to unlocking freedom. The use of the word "instruction" implies that this is not just a poetic work, but also a guide for living. The mention of masked foes symbolizes the prevalence of deceit in the world, and the necessity of being discerning in order to uncover the truth.


The second stanza discusses the qualities of true friends and lovers, contrasting them with fake friends and manipulative partners. A true friend is transparent and honest, while a fake friend hides in the shadows.

This theme of authenticity is further explored in the third stanza, which contrasts a superhero's self-reliance and honesty with a lover's foundation built on love and truth.


The fourth stanza highlights the contrast between a lover who lies and manipulates, and a true lover who respects their partner. It also introduces the idea of a ghost from the past, which symbolizes the lingering effects of past lies and deceptions. The poem suggests that true friends and loved ones can help us overcome these negative influences and find our way back to the light.


The fifth stanza introduces the idea of a character who appears to be an enemy but is actually a friend. This person, the "he" in the poem, masters deception in order to protect or aid the protagonist. This concept of allies working in secret, without seeking recognition or reward, is a recurring theme in literature and mythology.


The sixth stanza focuses on the importance of sincerity and purity in achieving a genuine connection with others. It suggests that those who speak honestly, even if they are not perfect, will be able to build strong relationships. The idea of honesty as a path to God's embrace is also present, implying that living an honest life is not only beneficial for human connections but also for one's spiritual well-being.


The seventh stanza returns to the theme of deceit and its consequences. A character who seeks to expose the past's mistakes ends up falling into his own trap, revealing the futility of lies. The poem reminds us that darkness and light cannot coexist, and that trying to blend the two will only lead to suffering.


The eighth stanza encourages trust in one's own instincts and faith in a higher power, even during difficult times. It suggests that the darkness we experience may be necessary for growth and eventual enlightenment.

The poem concludes by reiterating the importance of truth and freedom in guiding us through life's journey, and urging us to avoid the traps set by those who seek to deceive us.


From a psychological perspective, the poem offers valuable insights into the human need for connection, authenticity, and purpose. It highlights the importance of self-awareness and discernment in navigating relationships and life choices. By personifying truth and freedom as guiding forces, the poem also reinforces the concept of an internal compass that can help us stay on the right path, even when faced with adversity.


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Ghazala lari

Sat 25th May 2024 15:58

Thank you uilleam for your elaborate comment.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 9th Feb 2024 08:38

Thank you, Ghazala.

“The truth will set you free”.
Quote from John 8:32 in the New Testament of the Christian Bible…Vēritās līberābit vōs.

Trouble is, there’s a preponderance of evil people who, through their mendacity, seek to enslave us. We continue to believe them at our peril!

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