Nothing but bored.
“Atkinson! Pay attention!
You have the attention span of a gnat!”
I remember a teacher shouting
When, in a school classroom I sat
“You'll amount to nothing, boy!
Is that really what you want to be?”
Well, nothing can be fascinating, sir
Like a black hole, or the deep of a sea!
He flung a piece of chalk my way
But his aim dented his pride
It hit a girl sitting behind
But, he always was cock-eyed
He produced a ruler from a drawer
Striking 5 across the palm of my hand
I should have let the chalk hit me, I thought
Instead, I was punished for his ego's demands
He sauntered back to the front of the class
His authority fully restored
Then, waffled about me being nothing
As I sat there, nothing but bored.
Stephen Atkinson
Sun 4th Feb 2024 14:08
Thank you Tim, & yes, the perils of having an imagination! 🤣
And, John, I did have a few of those come my way as well! 🤣
And thanks for the likes everyone 🌈