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Doors of destiny

If we accept reality as it is,

Not as our minds have painted it to be,

Disappointment will be a rare companion,

Instead, gratitude will flow like a gentle stream.


No longer longing for what could have been,

We find solace in what already is,

The tapestry of fate unfolds before our eyes,

As we steer our own ship with each choice we make.


Pray for your needs, oh weary soul,

But remember, the divine knows what's best,

If it aligns with your destined path,

Blessings will rain upon your grateful heart.


Do not persist at closed doors, my friend,

For behind you lies the open path,

The doorway to your chosen destination,

Awaits your hopeful gaze, ready to guide.


Surrender to the hands of the Almighty,

The all-knowing, the all-seeing, the wise,

He weaves a tapestry of perfection,

Each day a new thread, a new level of growth.


Fear not, for missed opportunities do not exist,

Closed gates were never meant for your stride,

Regrets are burdens we must cast aside,

And keep faith in Allah's abundant grace.


For His blessings are boundless, my dear,

A vast ocean of abundance, waiting to be shared,

Embrace optimism, let hope be your guide,

For Allah's benevolence knows no bounds.


Explanation of the above poem


The speaker seems to be undergoing a transformation from someone who is disappointed and longing for what could have been to someone who accepts reality and finds solace in what is. This shift in perspective can be seen in the first two stanzas, where the speaker moves from dwelling on disappointment and longing to focusing on gratitude and finding solace in the present.


The third stanza introduces the concept of accepting fate and taking control of one's own life through choices. The speaker suggests that they will steer their own ship, implying that they are taking responsibility for their actions and destiny.


In the fourth stanza, the speaker offers advice to a weary soul. They encourage prayer, but also emphasize that the divine knows what is best and that if one's desires align with their destined path, blessings will follow. This suggests that the speaker has come to trust in a higher power while also acknowledging their own agency in shaping their life.


The fifth stanza provides practical advice for dealing with closed doors. Rather than persisting at something that is not meant to be, the speaker encourages looking for the open path that leads to one's chosen destination. This shows that the speaker has developed a more optimistic and proactive approach to life.


The sixth stanza highlights the importance of surrendering to a higher power and trusting in its wisdom. The speaker acknowledges that the Almighty weaves a perfect tapestry out of every experience, implying that even seemingly negative events can have a positive purpose. This stanza also emphasizes the importance of growth and self-improvement, as each day brings new threads to the tapestry of life.


The final stanza reinforces the theme of accepting reality and embracing faith. It reminds the listener that missed opportunities do not exist, as every experience shapes us into who we are meant to be. The gate that was meant to be closed was never meant to be part of our path. And most importantly, we should not be burdened by regrets, but rather keep faith in Allah's abundant grace and His boundless blessings.


◄ Manifestations

Not my will, but Allah's will ►


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