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Karma's Consequence

Now I’ll be like your ghost 

You’ll feel me everywhere 

But I’ll be nowhere to be seen 

Haunted by my memories 

Tortured by my presence in your heart 

And I’ll miss you 

Like the deserts miss the rain 

And as you wander in search of others 

To fill the void, gain a sense of fulfilment 

As your luck and name change meaning 

You’ll soon begin to realise

All roads lead you back to me 

All paths taken to avoid yourself 

All those taken to forget about me 

Will lead you back to me 

Out of all the wounds which refuse to heal 

Your name is the only one that bleeds 

Yet I am still blind to see 

The amount of scars I’ve justified 

Because I loved the one holding the knife 

I was bleeding to death 

When you came to me 

Blaming me for my noises of pain

I was burning to the ground  

While you came blaming me for the scent of my ashes 

Perhaps it isn’t love when I say that you are the one I love the most 

But rather 

You are the knife I turn inside myself

Do not stand at my grave and weep 

I am not there 

I do not sleep 

I am a thousand winds that blow 

I am the diamond glints of snow 

I am the sunlight on ripened grain 

I am the gentle summer rain 

When you awaken in the mornings hush 

I am the swift, uplifting rush 

Of quiet birds in circled flight 

I am the bright stars that shine at night 

Do not stand at my grave and cry 

I am not there 

I did not die 

I have buried you in every place I have been 

Yet you still end up in my shaking hands 

Your heart is like a rose with thorns 

Only those who truly love you

Will risk the pain to hold you 

And I think what scares me the most 

Is if I woke up one day and forgot my name 

I would still remember yours 

You’ll live a long time yet, my darling 

An eternity without me 

You will look into the faces of passes by 

Hoping for something that will, for an instant, bring me back to you 

You will find moonlit nights and starry skies strangely empty 

Because when you call my name into them 

There will be no answer 

Every word has consequences; every silence too 

And as time passes, I slip into a stranger you once knew 

Yet I’ll always love you 

But this time from afar, and only in silence 

I will love you like misfortune loves orphans 

As fire loves innocence 

And as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong 

Because after miserable months and tireless thoughts 

I’ve decided to give up on you 

Do you understand how much that took out of me?

I’m the type to give endless chances 

To always have your back, even when you’re wrong 

And to truly accept you for who you are 

When the rest of the world didn’t see you; 

I did 

So understand it took everything I had left inside of me 

To leave you alone 

I don’t want to be in love anymore 

I don’t want to force anything anymore 

I don’t want to care anymore 

I want to be alone 

Days will pass 

And you’ll abandon things you were once addicted to 

You’ll leave someone 

Cancel a dream 

And finally, accept a reality you’ve known to be true all along 

I like to think, that sometimes

People can’t reciprocate because they are unable to give to you what they can’t give to themselves 

Those who are at war with themselves cannot give you peace 

Those who betray themselves can never give you loyalty 

And those who lie to themselves will never be able to give you honesty 

So I remove the knife from my back

Wipe my blood from the blade 

And carefully place it in a locked box 

I named ‘forgiveness’

I won’t belong to anyone else 

Just you 

Until my bones turn to ashes 

And my heart stops beating 

I did not choose to love you


It was a helpless pain 

Like the setting of the sun

Or droplets of rain 


How I miss you this much 

And you’re living your day as if you’re missing nothing 

A tragedy

When a mature mind and a romantic heart are in the same body 

Why did you steal me from everyone if you couldn’t keep me?

I wished for a lasting love 

The love lasted 

But the lover left 

Don’t love deeply 

Until you’re sure that the other half loves you with the same depth 

Because the depth of your love today 

Is the depth of your wound tomorrow 

Isn’t it ironic? 

How we ignore the ones who adore us 

Adore the ones who ignore us 

Love the ones who hurt us 

And hurt the ones that love us? 

Everyone craves happiness, while nobody wants pain 

But you can’t see a rainbow, without a little rain 

And when the day comes when I don’t love you anymore 

I’ll stop writing

And I’ll finally let you fade


Because like a rose that’s withered the storm 

I’ve found the strength to transform 

The resilience of being reborn 

Through the thorns, I’ve learned to rise 

Embracing a beauty that never dies 

I unite with my dark side 

To be whole

For both light and shadow exist within my soul 

I’ll dance with the stars and sing with the breeze 

Paint with the skies and love through the seas 

In my presence, you’ll witness a life untamed 

A masterpiece of emotions Divinely framed 

A mystical woman

I hold the key

To my ultimate Divinity

And it won't matter if there is a you and me

Because in this state

I am finally free. 



◄ Final Farewell

The Walking Wounded ►


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