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The Greatest Ever…. Cup and Ball Trick

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The trick of the cup and ball 

Starts with a vanish and reappearance

From oranges, lemons and even a baseball

Teleport to a cup, that the audience cheer 

The magicians face says it all 

No wonder magic is a great career 


But instead of stopping he continues the act 

As he is now handcuffed, bound and strapped.

He repeats the words that makes himself... vanish once more. 

After a few seconds hes naked at the back of the hall 

It’s just such a shame his willys so small 


magiccupandballtrickpoetryhumourShort Funny Poems

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Robert Shersby

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 21:23

Will do 😀

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John Coopey

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 20:27

I hope you do this last trick at Thursday’s Open Mic, Rob.

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