The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.


Decided to try hand at couple of poems. Very new beginner so please be gentle. Been in caring sector for over 20 years, now full time parent and part time hobbyist magician in spare time. I’m currently just doing the basics which hopefully will rhyme and form some type of structure. Fingers crossed at least one poem is likeable in the future :) some are sensitive and around care industry… others go to the dark side of my humour and things in the news

Can You See Me?

Do you see me? Standing in the corner All black and blue like a Monet or turner Hiding from view as to not make a scene Whilst inside of me, is a silent scream Childhood now gone I’m now an adult I ask, Do you see me? Do you see me? Years of violence by the kindness of hands How could I trust a mum and dad I see you now but don’t look at me under this armour, I’m vulnerable, you see You think that I’m strong but I feel I’m weak Can you still love me? Do you still love me? I push and I pull, the people that care You could try living in my worst nightmare Teachers, fosterers, agree that they know Why I’m so Feral, and cause them Agro I flirt, I bite and I slash and I curse Where is my family, you all made it worse Here I am now, stood back in the corner It’s too late now for me I have enough mourners It was all futile and altogether worthless The social care changes I couldn’t care less, Do you finally see. Do you finally see… me!!!

Speaking up

Speak up now, speak up. I hear you cried  why oh why , don't you say what's on your mind  conforming like a lamb to slaughter  not firm or rigid like bricks and of mortar  I know it's wrong to stay in silence  but fear alone tips the balance  to my conformity and uncertainty  The little voice cries again speak up now, speak up Don’t be a victim let words be weapons Like arrows or bows, let’s see what happens Will wrong be right or good triumph But I quieten down and do a small huff Whimpering softly to my disgust Why can’t I speak, what I really ought to. My mouth runs dry and I start to panic I foresee bad emotions and they’re all, gigantic Like a freight train being stopped, By a single dandelion clock How can I be a match to thee So I sit back down to not make a scene I hear the damaging words again Speak up now, speak up, my inner voice said I beg, I plead, be quiet think tolerance instead But the little voice speaks louder Speak now or else, we will all flounder I downplay the thoughts, someone else will speak But no, no argument presents my views are unique I promise myself, I won’t utter a word The aggressor continues without being unspurred My anger and strength starts to again grow Until I stand, which is now unplanned And raise my right hand With the six words I would like to speak now!!!

The Leaf

In the summer we were so strong Inseparable from the vine I always thought that we’d belong And that you’d always be mine So I continue on and on But winter came on time Is it me or doesn’t this matter Maybe it’s a warning Sign! Torn from the stem we’re disregarded Now Different colours shapes and sizes We are Battered, bruised & separated Like a relationship in tatters Years and years, all worn and faded Isit me or does it now matter I’m all damaged & degraded Am I a leaf?

The Hard Goodbye

How can we both, finally say goodbye When all I think, you’ll ask is why I gave up caring and supporting you When really this is all I do. Now your gone, my hearts a flutter Emotions in words, come out as a stutter I think did I fail? Or did you prevail? My faults and mistakes are not yours to bear You have enough trauma yourself to wear I felt I was lost, like tears in rain I wasn’t enough, to support you in pain So I let you go, so better you could live You needed much more, that I couldn’t give Am I happy, am I free? … alas but No My guilt lands it's heavy blow So I hope you realise, why I said goodbye As If I didn’t, I would have died So I left you with this, my hard goodbye

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Robert Shersby

Road Rage (05/03/2024)

The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled is convincing the world he doesn’t exist (03/03/2024)

The Greatest Ever…. Cup and Ball Trick (03/03/2024)

Wonka Land (03/03/2024)

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