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Goole is where I’m off this week 

I’ve heard the fishing museums Unique  

I walk and stare at the ground  

Reminding me it’s a historic port town 

its special relationship  with Gibraltar Rock

Is the same as I have with my dirty…  sock


So... I’m on my way to Goole 

Under my arm is my best cagoule  

My Happiness  level never does drop 

But one things for sure the rain never stops. 

I’ll head to the stage. The mic in my hand   

Let’s just hope I don’t get seriously panned


So... as long as I’m able 

To tell this old fable  

Goole isn’t just a town 

But the jewel in Yorkshire’s crown 

so let me just speak up

So we can finally now...

have a proper knees up 



◄ The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled is convincing the world he doesn’t exist

Road Rage ►


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Robert Shersby

Mon 4th Mar 2024 22:40

Aye it’s not my best this one…

I’ll put another one on I’ve just done which I think you’ll love

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John Coopey

Mon 4th Mar 2024 12:08

I always thought you were a Goolie!
Just a tip, Rob. As soon as you post a poem it deletes your previous poem from the common blog. It does stay on your own blog page.

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