The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

World View

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I see the world by the shadows it has cast

The imprints of existence decayed into time

Silent memorabilia from our molecular past

A macabre dimension portrayed only in mime  


I see degrees of darkness and shades of light

Complexity made simple by virtue of design

Twisted angles of truth are now within sight

I see it all clearly, yet so hard to define


We play with matter, the modeling clay of infinity

It belongs to the universe it’s never ours to own

We claim all as our possession, but really it is free

Even the very substance of life is ours only by loan


Existence of past, present, and future all intersect

Within multi-dimensions stitched with times thread

Molecular residue we were not meant to detect

The translucent shadows of reality inside our head



◄ Sitting To Write

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 2nd Apr 2024 08:11

A very fine poem, Tim. Multi-layered yet clear and straightforward to read. Well done for this.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 2nd Apr 2024 05:23

This poem is brilliant in many ways. Every line is so intelligently penned down. "Even the very substance of life is ours only by loan", speaks to me of the time borrowed, to be grateful of it, and to be returned with interest when the period ends.
"Twisted angles of truth are now within sight
I see it all clearly, yet so hard to define."
Sometimes hard to believe and sometimes hard to define. This is one of my favourite poems of yours, Tim!
Thank you.

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Mon 1st Apr 2024 21:05

more or less my kinda poetry

the shadows feel good, don't they?

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