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She's pushing her child the long way back home

it's warmer walking than being at home

She's passed on her details to welfare and police

better to be known than not known to police


She's been to the bank for warmth and for food

better to be given than not to have food

She went to the Mosque for friendship and prayer

better the friendship that comes with the prayer


She made calls to her mother not seen for a year

much better to call than to stay there one more year

Her keys in her hand as she gets to the door

better and safer to be through the door


When she left her short life in this lonely place

her last fleeting memories were far from this place

better her child alone in this land

the keys to the door slipped from her dead hand...



◄ The Appeal of The Licensing Laws

Tapestry ►


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David RL Moore

Fri 12th Apr 2024 09:23

Thanks to those who sent flowers overnight.

This scribble is a reference to yet another murder on Britains Streets of a young mother, alone.

The murder of and violence toward women in our country is at epedemic proportion. The domestic and cultural dynamics (including poverty and education) of the murders are of great concern and are often overlooked for reasons beyond my comprehension.


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Landi Cruz

Fri 12th Apr 2024 08:24


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David RL Moore

Thu 11th Apr 2024 19:35

Sleep when you can Landi,

olde soldier logic...

I feel the same way regarding your concerns for the vulnerable.

Thank you for your reading and comment. I've seen those huddles of women and children and felt useless in my bones.

Be well,


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Landi Cruz

Thu 11th Apr 2024 19:27

I have so many stories running through my head at the moment, I don't know where to start. First hand stories, others in the news or told by those who are woeful regarding the state of women's/children's rights where I live and regions closeby. I see the women gathering in the streets sometimes and I hope for their safety.

I thought about maybe sleeping a little tonight, but maybe not 😔

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David RL Moore

Thu 11th Apr 2024 18:39

Thank you Landi,

Your solitary posie represents well her little life.

Not great poetry by any stretch...more an expression of anger and anxiety about how we care or don't...what is the gauge we utilise for giving a fuck?


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