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The absence of support

girds all his lonely fucks,

of which there are too many.

Like a whore with her impatient cucks

she stirs her pot for life,

if any.


His children will be mute and void

all in-utero hope destroyed,

his post coital last cigarette

drawn to the filter of regret,

already she is out the door

the foetus on the killing floor.




Don't treasure what you hate too much

you'll get a rash about your crutch,

and though you'll sense a little buzz

no-other rub will sting as much,

better yet to let it pass

to birth upon some Midnight Mass.


Rest your cheek well in your palm

the clench of it will do you harm,

but gild your fist before you push

there's more than fruit hangs on the bush.

Your seed is not the apples eye

your father knows the reason why. 





◄ Tapestry

Gargoyles ►


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David RL Moore

Sat 13th Apr 2024 19:09

Thanks MC,

Personally I am pro choice but dislike the associated terminology. The individual circumstances are too diverse to be dealt with in such black and white ways.

It was desperately sad, something he had hoped would enhance his already troubled life ultimately destroyed it.


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M.C. Newberry

Sat 13th Apr 2024 19:05

There are ongpoing questions, often of a volatile nature, about
abortion, currently subject of public disquiet in Arizona USA.
It can seem that there can be an argument that says the tragic
life endured by the subject of this poem only adds fuel to the
heated discourse about the legal use of the procedure.

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David RL Moore

Sat 13th Apr 2024 18:36

For clarity as I understand this scrawl is not straight forward.

A friend of mine who subseqeuntly took his own life after what was a tortuous life confided in me in the months before his passing. He had discovered his conception was the result of a violent rape of which he was not aware until at the age of 22 he could no longer deal with the agony of not knowing who he was or how he truly came to be.

The consequent discovery only added to his misery, he decided to relieve his pain by means of public transport on the tracks.

He took to calling himself "Bastard" among other things which were extremely disturbing. I told him his father was the "Bastard" not him.

He has no living relatives and as such I saw no harm in writing this.

As repellant as it is in parts it is nowhere near the horrors he put himself through.

He was a violent, self harming, self abusing and extremely distrubed man his entire life. I tried to be a friend but it was one of the hardest relationships I've ever been unfortunate enough to endure.

There are references within the piece which will probably appear to not make any sense without the detailed back story, but there it is for what it's worth, without the greater detail.


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