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April 2024 Collage Poem: All Too Much

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Too many holidays. Let's go to

Blackpool instead


A citadel, a red crescent, a wing

When oh when - tell me the fighting ends soon

Words weaving pictures

Wonderful windows on the world


Drink the water   Ride the 192

Round we go again, with these selections

Florid foreskins, tea-stained, tobacco

stained perhaps?


As the knife slides into diva flesh

Prince Charming cries into an Adidas shoe

The silence of the extreme, to the

judgement of the justice in fools


The 192 has diverted to the

Celestial Citadel. Untitle


All very inland same old Flim Flam

Stockport - Mock port more like. Finglands

Free-spirited souls beaming

Ardent streams of consciousness

mistaking fireflies for stars

just the other side of the moon


An honourable man walks amongst us

I was trapped in your orbit no sun today

I want to write a book 44 of them

I may have run out of Yen but I was trapped in your orbit


crescent moon

shines nervously in

at the dawn of dusk




April collage PoemAll too MuchStockport Write Out Loud

◄ March 2024 Collage Poem: Footnotes in History

May 2024 Collage Poem: Windows on the World ►


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Nigel Astell

Mon 15th Apr 2024 14:55

Collage poem
extra lines
larger crowd
more poets
collection bag
tonight full
Andy N said
just enough
Not too much
John will
be pleased.

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