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The 98th Angel

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Hold their hand, as today is that day.

Give them a hug, it can go a long way.

Give them your time, lend them an ear.

Because today is that time of year.

Be there to listen, to take in every word.

35 years on, I have my prayers prepared.

Prayers for our red family, who we lost.

And for survivors who still count the cost.

I remember victims too like Ronnie King.

His name to your attention I wish to bring.

On the Memorial, his name is not there.

Ronnie died years later, now in God's care.

A '98th Angel' it wouldn't be wrong to say.

So today for Ronnie King I will also pray.

Ronnie was a ‘survivor’ of Hillsborough…he never recovered from the harrowing experience and sadly took his own life many years later, leaving a young family behind. Ronnie's daughter, Rachel kindly wrote the foreword for one of my Hillsborough poetry books.



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