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2024: Trev does another National Poetry Month in Texas and NaPoWriMo: Part 1 The Run Up

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Image: The flags of West Yorkshire depicting the white rose, replacing the St Georges flags that had worn out. They were fitted to the car for short journeys to open mics, lets poeple konw where I'm from. 






22.12.23 – 1) It’s now December, time to remember this year almost gone

What went on what went right and what went wrong

In July it seemed right to go and book my flight

Put me in a daze like going through a maze

As I looked through the offers trying to looking at what was in the coffers

The terms and conditions almost drove me up the wall

Some said hand luggage only, others no luggage at all

But it was never say die so try and try

At last my reward a flight I could easily afford

Thought it was swell, taxi booked as well

Then things went wrong and seemed to go on far to long

Trying to take stock as I suffered writers block

I became apathetic it was almost pathetic

No interest at all almost driven up the wall

Then at last things past no longer feeling blue time to start anew

Open mics to be attending poetry to be rending

Then see what more has to be done for next years tour

Car sorted, then looking for some accommodation to be booking

With the best intent, insurance in case of accident

Now it’s all done hopefully no more strife

And I can get on with life


2) Another week done I’ve done my last foodbank run

Given my best now it’s time for a rest

But we will heed a request if there is an urgent need

Without doubt make sure no one goes without

Cos’ it’ll soon be Christmas, relax and take time for me and my family

And remember the open mics and the poems I’ve recited

People have been delighted

Me too seeing them smile as I recited in my own inimitable style

Playing my part reciting from the heart

Some of the best compliments yet Such as “Very moving” and “Good set”

It felt great to be back and things back on track

One thing’s clear I’m looking forward to next year

And one thing more, it feels really great to have completed this poetry score


24.12.23 – 3) Christmas Eve morning the weathers mild, wind not as wild

Or so I thought but as the morning got longer it gusted stronger

Then it was rain pattering on my window pane

Really coming down thankfully I don’t have to go down town

So let the day go as planned, music at the church to do

Followed by a film or two relax a while and smile

Call at a supermarket collect and thank them for donations to the food bank

Car boot to fill and the winds getting stronger still

Lastly the first mass of Christmas and Carols I’ll be singing

Soon Christmas’ll be done and I’ll be thinking of April 2024

Another poetry tour and the hot Texas sun.


31.12.23 – 4) Christmas done New Years Eve rain’s coming down

Enough to make you frown.

Wind not as strong but still cold as the year’s gotten old

A relaxing day for me as we come to the end of 2023

And this is 2023’s final score cos’ tomorrows 2024


01.01.24 – 5) This morning dawned bright and clear, the start of a new year.

2024 and what doe it have in store, will there be an end to war

Will troubles cease and there be a time for peace

Will the world understand, it’s better to walk hand in hand

Will intolerance and hate be things of the past

Giving way to a love that will last

And like as not bigotry be forgot

It may be a dream and yet be so far away but we can still hope and pray

But for me one good thing about New Years Day

Is, my 2024 tour is now three months away


02.12.24 – 6) I’d been waiting a while, then to my delight

At last the registration portal was open but when I tried to register last night

For the Rio Grand Festival but try as I might things wouldn’t go right

When it came to pay the system wouldn't accept my address in the UK

Started to feel sore it had never don this before

Taken aback I needed a different tack

One of the organisers went on to say “use an address in the USA”

So in the end I used the address of a friend

Not thwarted it’s no all sorted and once more

The Road Poet will be in the Valley to share his work once more


16.01.24 – 7) January’s getting older, the weather’s been getting colder

Temperatures below to cold for snow

Sky’s clear slight breeze, no sign of storm but still wrap up warm

Woolly hat and gloves the order of the day as I make my way

To the food bank to make sure them in need get a feed

Once inside without doubt it’s as cold inside as out

Some’s been packed the night before, then in come some more

One is arranged then the plan is changed

She says she has to go to the docs but she’s not blue

When I ask, she says tomorrow’ll do, so she’s first in the queue.

More go out, tomorrows are packed, then one final one

Before to the baths I run

Afterwards home for tea, mobile makes and noise and I see

There’s another two to do, no worries I’ve plenty of time

And who knows maybe I’ll put them in a thyme


17.01.24 – 8) They said last night would be the coldest for 14 years

It was, this morning saw drops of water on the clothes line like frozen tears

But I can’t tarry I got a food parcel to pack and carry

Packed and ready but ice on the road means take it steady

Collect some donations on the way and so carries on the day

First one delivered as was promised yesterday

And my mood picks up as the day warms up

Enjoying the sun as more referrals come in and are soon done

Final one done late afternoon, I’m thinking “Home soon”

Watch tv, do paperwork before tea

Temperature going down once more

But things will be right cos’ I got Corboree open mic on Zoom tonight


21.01.24 – 9) Week past it’s the weekend at last,

Yesterday the frost had gone, cold wind blowing and we were knowing

Storm Isha was on it’s way would hit us today.

In the main the usual strong winds and rain

Its Sunday evening, today seems to have gone okay

Not as cold wind not to bad this morning but got stronger

As the day got longer, The night is drawing in it’s dark

I’m listening to the rain making its mark the rain my window pane

Music playing for inspiration, the storm sweeping the nation

Can hear the wind gusting stronger as if to say

Tomorrow waterproof clothing will be the order of the day

Making sure those in need get something to eat

And we can say “As yet the weather still hasn’t got us beat

Cops’ what ever the weather decides to do

Touch wood we’ve always got the food parcels through”.


22.01.24 – 10) Storm Isha blew stronger through the night

And was still blowing in this mornings light

On the news was seen the carnage that had been

It abated for while, food parcels done took it steady

Paperwork sorted tomorrows ready

Towards the end of the day a sky of grey

Forecasting rain and by evening it was back again

And on the evening news we find

There’s Storm Jocelyn following close behind


24.01.24 – 11) Storm Jocelyn arrived last night

Wind blowing with all its might

Unleashing its power, gusts of 70 miles per hour

Experts saying as it blew longer it would get stronger

Still blowing this morning as across the country it ran

Continuing what has been the most active storm season since records began.

Disruption once more as bad than before

Never really seems to affect Castleford that is something of a mystery

By lunchtime it had abated now it’s history


27.01.24 - 12) I thought time to check things were going well

Looked at my accommodation list and thought “Oh hell”

Turned out not quite on song

I’d got the dates right but the month was wrong

April the month of my tour but I’d booked the month before

Changing the new dates would have cost more

A cancellation and search elsewhere, found a price I considered fair

Something else to tell, a free continental breakfast as well


01.02.24 – 13) Yesterday it was

January Thirty First

Tour two months away


09.02.24 - 14) On the internet I looked again and found my hopes in vain

Far from things going like a song it seemed I’d got my dates wrong

Of bloomers no end for RGVIPF I’d got the wrong weekend

It was weekend four I’d put it down for the weekend before

But had I got it right it would have clashed with my homeward flight

Probably shed a tear thinking I’ll be more careful next year


17.03.24 – 15) March 17 St Patrick's Day

Departure day two weeks away

Fourteen days and God willing I’ll take flight

Hoping everything goes right

For another poetry roam of Texas my spiritual home


21.03.24 – 16) It was no joke when the crown on my tooth broke

Coming of once more things could be really sore

Emergency appointment booked the following day but there was dismay

To my cost I found out the crown was lost

To the dentist with despair riven three options were given

One leave it as it is, not recommended, then like as such

Reconstruction work that would cost too much

Almost costing the earth more, that what the tooth was worth

Three have it out, much cheaper with out doubt

To the extraction got under way it was pulled and taken away

Hardly any pain don’t have to worry about the crown again


24.03.24 – 17) Seven days to go

To departure day, only

Seven days to go


25.03.24 – 18) Yesterday I did aspire to print of the voucher for my car hire

In the file it wasn’t there I searched for it everywhere

A phone call to the hire company went, another voucher was sent

Saving the day and it looked ok

I printed it of then thought how can it be,

I’m down to hand it in at one when normally it’s three

Three hours too soon I felt such a buffoon

I rang and they said they could change the time but like as such

The cost would have been too much

So when it comes to next years roam

I’ll go through things with a fine tooth comb


29.03.24 - 19) Departure weekend started packing

Make sure nothing’s lacking

Final poems ready for printing

Make a start get in front and get things right

Before my final pre tour open mic at Chemistry tonight


30.03.24 – 20) Chemistry last night went alright

Went on first came away at the break

The year’s gone fast, hard to believe it’s now departure eve

Done my packing hopefully nothing lacking

Paperwork too, nothing much more to do

Rest, reflect and look forward to what’s to come

Poetry events and them some

Hoping it goes right tomorrow with no problems or sorrow

And to Texas I’m winging and listening to those jet engines singing


◄ 2023: Trev returns to Texas for National Poetry Month incorporating NaPoWriMo: Part 12 NaPoWriMo and closure

2024: Trev does another National Poetry Month in Texas and NaPoWriMo: Part 2 The Journey Out ►


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