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Fun With Words

"Everything happens for a reason."

Well, I don't know,

but if so,

it's sometimes not for me to know--

the why.

"All things work out for the good for those who love God."

Well, I like to define God as divine consciousness,

and since we have consciousness

and hence one could say we are part of God,

that phrase could be shortened to say,

"All things work out for the good for those who love."

(Don't want atheists to think they are left out of all the potentially good outcomes.)

"We pray for the highest good of all concerned."

What a beautiful phrase, borrowed from delightful New Age stuff.

And what is prayer?

I like to think of it as a conversation with myself (aka my higher self) that gives me comfort.

Does prayer have power?

Well, I have power, so ipso facto, prayers feel powerful to me.

But what is a good outcome?

There is good in human terms (what I want),

but, then again,

there are "blessings in disguise."

So even a bad outcome sometimes leads to good things.

Well, I think I've had enough fun playing with words for today, 

so I will say

"Amen" (or as my wild, funny sister used to say in her younger days under her breath whilst in group prayer at church "A-women.") 



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