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I live with you 
outside the empirical 
deep into the subjective, 
mystical, and unsubstantiated 

we are ruled by preferences, 
tastes, and desires
time’s not our enemy 
it’s just fucking inconvenient 

what we do with ourselves 
is nobody’s business
we are just art in process
to be consumed 

as a pleasurable delicacy
sometimes had 
at a deeply 
discounted price


◄ True

Sweetness & Grind ►


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Robert C Gaulke

Thu 9th May 2024 18:05

Thanks for the feedback 😃.

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Landi Cruz

Sun 5th May 2024 20:29

Those final two stanzas drive it home for me.

I was once told that divine unions were not to be looked upon even by the divine..

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 5th May 2024 17:40

I'm not 100% with the lines 'What we do with ourselves/Is nobody's business'. What happened to 'No man is an island...'? Even a suicide involves others (arguably against their will or choice). A good subject for debate though.

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