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beyond the pale (artefacts repurposed)

"murder your darlings.." 
that Endangered species 
every addressable last one of them

they have never seen the sea smile 
but once Heard the Sun howl 
then swallow the Waters
so words would not swim away

the last Stand is restless in the heat 
there is no haven 
no home

the dead know more than the living 
there is no mercy in silence

◄ burrow

stand and deliver—mile markers ►


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Landi Cruz

Wed 8th May 2024 18:50

Thanks for the comments, Reggie's and David,

Lately I've been using any moments of my work day I can spare to steal a little solitude from the noise. It isn't winning me any friends but it does give me a chance to catch up on my reading. And, more often than not, my choice of material leans to the more gravitous so generally keeps me silent in thought.

Anyhow, this is a reflection of both those ideas I gather from reading and their effects on me.


..wishing all a good evening 💐

Apparently, 'gravitous' is not a word. But it should be...

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Reggie's Ghost

Wed 8th May 2024 13:03

I can't make up my mind whether this poem is brilliant or just a load of jumbled thoughts. I've given it the benefit of doubt and a like.

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David RL Moore

Tue 7th May 2024 20:51

The scorched earth policy of empire, erase all trace of evidence.

Not necessarily the empire of nations but the empire of self.

That said I also see the destruction of self in this.

Your writing is full of intrigue at the moment.


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