The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Time’s Illusion


Time is but an illusion

Revolutions on a clock

It tells us when we’re done

Stop and punch the clock

Mans little ritual showing times in play

Clocks are merely a contrivance for the boss

While real time has nothing to do with a day

Or the weight and measure of a moment’s loss

Like the raging waters of a flood

The rampant river of time pushes on

What doesn’t move is buried in the mud

Look back and notice tomorrows gone

We don’t control time, we’re forced to comply

Simply passengers aboard a slip stream ride

Watching the scenes of life go flying bye

Exits are available but from them we hide

Our ability to alter time is our little white lie

But it’s ok, make of illusion what you will

Sing, dance, and enjoy the ride with a smile

Seek out the best of life and get your fill

Because we’ll be in this illusion only a little while

◄ Desolation of Life’s Despair

Memory Bricks ►


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Tim Higbee

Thu 23rd May 2024 14:26

Thank you, Manish, Graham, Stephan G., Tom and M.C. for your comments. Thank you to those who liked it as well, much appreciated.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 18th May 2024 14:14

The science of time has long intrigued us. Indeed, it has often
been subjected to diligent research and ongoing questions about
its very nature. Not least, the connection between time and
ageing/death/renewal in all aspects of nature. Why does time
seem one-way? The question still fascinates us and we are no nearer knowing the answer than H.G Wells, whose book "The
Time Machine" was so popular in his own day.

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Tom Doolan

Sat 18th May 2024 12:22

We are all slaves to the clock ⏰️

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 18th May 2024 08:06

Time is truly something we cannot control, although we spend ages trying to measure it to the finest millisecond. A really good poem, Tim.

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Graham Sherwood

Sat 18th May 2024 07:26

We invented it and it's been our master ever since Tim.
Good work!


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Manish Singh Rajput

Sat 18th May 2024 01:27

"Simply passengers aboard a slip stream ride
Watching the scenes of life go flying bye," such brilliant lines. I must say, I am a fan, Tim. Keep going, my friend! 💪

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