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BEACH - June 6, 1944

They splashed ashore on their target beach

And death came flying from out of their reach,

Returned in kind from grey battleships behind

Aiming but not always accurately to find

The concrete and cemented bastions that lay

Ahead - to keep expected forces at bay..

A break in the weather had foxed the foe

And saw the dawn-mist Allies go

Boldly where Angels would fear to tread

And secure a desperately fought beachhead.

Utah, Omaha, Juno, Gold and Sword

Came at a cruel cost they could ill-afford,

But an irresistible tide, they flooded in,,

Surrounded by a hell of death and din,

And when the evening of that day was done

The liberation of the old world had begun.. 





◄ THEY SAY - a love song for Spring

BEACHHEAD - JUNE 6, 1944 ►


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M.C. Newberry

Thu 30th May 2024 15:23

GF - thank you. So much to be grateful for and make time for
in our own way as this anniversary approaches. Often so easily
discarded as was the instance I recall with regret when the
council in Torquay, Devon went ahead with the destruction of
the harbour slipways that had seen the US forces set off on the
sea-borne invasion to liberate Europe and the wider world.
How could they not see the importance of preserving them as a
visible reminder of living history? It baffled me and others
who objected to this historical vandalism. It was an attitude of
mind that Sir John Betjeman would have surely taken to task in his inimitable way..

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Greg Freeman

Thu 30th May 2024 08:36

Good to remember the sacrifices made, particularly by those first ashore, in these very troubled times, MC.

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