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Greater than Alexander

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His love delighted her

Shirley Valentine would have been proud,

Intertwined, on sun-bleached sand.

Quietly tender, both breathing loud.                              


Unlike her suburban life

Every moment, utterly forgettable,

Together yet separate, final vows unfurled,

The sadness of marriage, entirely regrettable.


His love delighted her                             

Rigid, yet delicately soft

Warmed by the heated setting sun,

Jasmine-scented air aloft                          


Unlike her suburban home,

Hardship resident in every room

Beneath peeling, painted ceilings,

And the aroma of exhausted fumes 


His love delighted her                        

Blanketed by surf white foam

His lips caressed her perked breasts

Skilled hands artfully rambled and roamed                 


Unlike her suburban home,

Uncossetted, unloved, unsought,

His thoughts channelled elsewhere

For him, no time for her, love fraught


This love delighted her                                      

Transcending evening into starlit night

They held each other closer, tighter

Everything about this tryst was right                 


Unlike her suburban home,

Evenings conducted in muted silence

No noise could disturb his peace

Even the low hum of a lady's appliance 


This love delighted her                   

Morphed into the ‘beast with two backs,’

The Macedonian sun plunged into the horizon.

As their passion peaked in mutual climax,


This love delighted her 

Overwhelmingly hotter than ever before

They agreed when they returned to suburbia

He’d channel Alexander, and conquer her more


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Russell Jacklin

Thu 30th May 2024 13:03

Thank you, very kind of you to comment

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Martin Elder

Thu 30th May 2024 10:23

I like the interplay between the stanzas beginning with unlike her suburban home and the other lines. Nice one

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