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She changed

love rearranged

No second thoughts

His approval no longer sought


She’d absconded

Love unbonded

No looking back

Or papering over the cracks


She’d stirred

Her love deferred

No hanging on

To conditions where love's gone wrong,


She realigned

Love reassigned

No longer they

Pledging self-success in her way.


She breathed

Their daggers sheathed

No facing aft

Doors closed to minimise the draught


Swan song

Finally gone

There's no regret

Live life, move on, try to forget


They're through

Now one, not two

Confessed, he'd lied

Love, meant for her, vanished, she cried


Wings spread

Loverboy shred

Upwards, onwards

Arms open wide, flying sunwards.


◄ Greater than Alexander

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