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Bard Work

I’ll tell you of a writer, Bill the Bard as he was known,

a bloke that wrote a load of plays and verse.

He started out when good old Liz the First was on the throne,

and gave his actors plenty to rehearse.


He wasn’t all that famous but he got some well-earnt praise,

and coined some phrases never used before,

like green-eyed monster, elbow room, and also salad days,

so well-known now along with many more.


His reputation snowballed ‘cross the centuries that passed,

renowned for the sheer volume of his work;

twixt comedies and tragedies, the sonnets he amassed

might make you think his quill had run berserk.


In theatres today his many dramas still appear,

with its archaic language recognised,

and all those famous speeches are as music to our ear,

the cherished words of one who’s idolised.


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Ruth O'Reilly

Fri 31st May 2024 19:54

Enjoyed this piece Trevor, a nice balance of putting Shakespeare down a few pegs or 2 whilst celebrating him at the same time. 😄 Love the little fun facts about how phrases like the 'green eyed monster ' still remain in our modern language. 👏🏼

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kJ Walker

Fri 31st May 2024 19:42

Nice one Trevor.

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Trevor Alexander

Fri 31st May 2024 14:42

A little bit of nonsense written after a recent visit to Stratford-on-Avon to see the RSC (brilliantly! perform Love's Labour's Lost.

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