The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Divine Love 10.08.2018

Love came to me last night

Gently caressed my body and soul

Embraced me in a sea of delight

And soothed my ceaseless query


Still insecure and in denial of Love’s ecstasy

My defences rallied to guard against affection

Filled me with unworthiness and shame

I shivered and trembled, afraid of rejection and pain


Love asked me why I was so petrified

Assured me to stay always by my side

To take away my pain, light up my flame


Blessed by the fire of Love I shed my clothes, stand bare

Delighted I revel in the euphoric relief

For the power of Love opens all doors, to my heart, and yours.


◄ Inner Conflict

The Descent November 1996 ►


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