The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Descent November 1996

O wonderful woman of many powers

How I feel your pain

Spiraling down and down into a black abyss

Feeling choked of life and hope

Desperately trying to rationalize the fear

yet thus crumbling up in tears

The wound in your body oozing with pain

Your heart ripped out

and flung about

Drying into dust


There in the deepest of the deep there is a stirring

The powers of the shadow have stirred awake

The richness of your being

transmutating into who you always were

Loving Self most of all

Honoring and praising

All That Is and which you are.



◄ Divine Love 10.08.2018

My Reality (written in Sept 2017, not happy with Trump in the White House) ►


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Patricia Ziel

Tue 4th Jun 2024 20:50

This is my third attempt to thank you all for your comments. I am very honored and pleased that The Descent relates. Thank you. I guess I am not managing the navigating yet.

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Martin Peacock

Tue 4th Jun 2024 07:38

Having been there - in fact, owning a crumbling mansion of my own there - the essence of this poem resonates within me. We need to know we're not alone, Patricia; i hope your friend realises how lucky they are.

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keith jeffries

Mon 3rd Jun 2024 23:42

Patricia, I see that you are relative newcomer to WOL. Welcome indeed. I have been a member since 2017 and find the site a valuable resource whereby one can submit one's poems and recieve good constructive criticism. This poem is one many can relate to including myself. Plunging into the depths of despair is often inexplicble but there often comes a point when our spirit is uplifted and our self esteem regains its posture within us. Your poem describes well this transformation.
Thank you and I look forward to reading more of your work.

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Patricia Ziel

Mon 3rd Jun 2024 23:14

This was written for a friend who was going through some very heavy psychological challenges. This forum is the first time I am sharing my work, I am starting with the 'old' writings.

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