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Silent Harbour


Borrow against your future days

that this moment ever lives,

for what such credit takes away

the joy of now forgives.


We cannot touch what has gone

nor conjure what's to come,

our memories may live on and on

what's lost might yet be won.


The silent harbour once a throng

with hope and fearful men,

sits peaceful now and has done long

for what was done by them.





◄ Episode

A trilogy of D-Day poem readings ►


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David RL Moore

Sat 8th Jun 2024 08:38

Thanks Martin,

And to all who gave likes.


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Martin Peacock

Fri 7th Jun 2024 14:06

I really like this - the rhythm, the structure, the tone. "The joy of now forgives"; "what's lost might yet be won" - beautiful lines.

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David RL Moore

Fri 7th Jun 2024 13:06

Thank you for the early likes Larisa and Evan.


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