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2024: Trev does another National Poetry Month in Texas and NaPoWriMo: Part 10 The Journey Home & NaPoWriMo Ends

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Image: Mementos of a great tour. Batmobile form Harlingen Colegiate High, Candy from Valley View South Elementary, other items little awards from poetry workshops in Austin




29.04.24 – 147:115) Kept wakin’ most of the night

Only to find the time wasn’t right

Back to sleep but all in vain, soon I’m awake again

At last it’s time for me to start my day.

Let the motel staff know, I’m checkin’ out, I’m good to go

But before this tour comes to an end,

I’m gonna spend the morning with a friend


148:116) To Jojo’s don’t wanna be late, we got a breakfast date

We hug but with heavy heart, knowing at noon I’ll depart

We talk about where we’ve been what we’ve seen

Things we’ve done rain or shine it’s been fine

An’ seein’ our friendship grow since we first met two years ago


149:117) Noon comes round, final hugs then to the airport bound

Drive goes fine till I find I’m in the wrong rental return line

Right one found, car dropped of an’ I find

What could make my wait a bore,

Check in may not be for three hours or more

Had a thought, ring Jojo with a progress report

So she’s knowing how things are going

The wait goes on, soon I’m no longer blue

Guy says “check in is open” soon we’re through, customs too

Now it’s a matter of find the gate, sit an’ wait

Use the time, to read or compose more rhyme

150:18) I’m walkin’ round lookin at what’s on offer, food looks nice

I’m reluctant to pay the airport price

Time’s passin’ steady I can see the plane being got ready

Luggage an’ provisions stored, an’ we’re called to boarding

Seat found, announcements made, to the runway bound

I got Wagner playin’ Lohengrin Overture reaches a crescendo

As into the air we go, next stop Heathrow


151:19) Three hours into the flight it’s now night

North Eastwards we go, Canada below

We’ve been fed, the Atlantic ahead

Many a mile, gonna try an’ sleep a while


30.04.24 –152:20) Another tour, the first homeward flight

Again we’ve flown through the night

Homeward bound, breakfast brought round

No time to brood or gripe

Been listening to Greig’s Morning Mood and Handel’s Alla Hornpipe

Yes I’ve got classics on the go and we’re 48 minutes from Heathrow


153:121) Flying over Ireland I look at the audio list an’ smile

There’s music from the Emerald Isle

It gets a play as begins he day

And all being fine, we'll be in Heathrow shortly after nine


154:122) Heathrow and security is a pain,

Been through it once so why again

I’m through and the departure board is seen

Manchester departure at 14:15

And things should come alive when they open the gate at 13:25


155:123) Final flight we’re on board, not all luggage stored

As happened before, we’re waiting once more

In case of the worst, safety briefing carried out first

Plane reverses as if letting us know, loading complete it’s time to go

Then we learn, for take off we have to wait our turn

Virgin Atlantic away, then United then us and I’m delighted

To Manchester where at the end of my 2024 poetry roam

A taxi will be waiting to take me once more

To my beloved Yorkshire and home


156:124) I get to Manchester to find, my suitcase has been left behind

Along with over a hundred more, putting the trace on it was a real chore

Transfer he suitcase, a simple task and they blew it

Despite having over four hours to do it

I would have thought that would have been enough

Or do folk no longer give a stuff

I’m in my beloved Yorkshire and home, and all I want to see

Is my suitcase coming home to me


◄ 2024: Trev does another National Poetry Month in Texas and NaPoWriMo: Part 9 Austin 2


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