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Day 6

when do you make a decision
for you?
when do you strive to make
yourself happy?

ive been asking myself so many questions.
ive been trying to come up with some 
kind of understanding.

im still so confused,
but still trying.

i am proud to say ive been consistent.
ive been focused,
ive been happy.

but, could i be happier?


should i keep my mind in the now?
in the moment of peace and self awareness.

in the haven of my own being,
because i know my energy protects me.

this decision shouldnt be hard,
but for some reason






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Ghazala lari

Mon 10th Jun 2024 03:35

It's good to be happy, but there isn't any harm in being happiest. But let it flow like a gentle breeze rather than artificial cloud seeding. Where rain showers are artificially brought, unprepared unsought. 😃

Nice theme. I liked it so much.

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