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Drowning In My Tears

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Your smile was a thing of absolute joy 
You loved me with a fiery passion
Like two peas in a pod we thrived
Our hearts were entwined in a beautiful fashion
Each and every special day with you
Was a gift to be truly treasured
Now I have a hole in my heart
An emptiness that cannot be measured

Waves of emotion engulf me
I am swimming against the tide
At the mercy of the stormy seas 
There is nowhere left for me to hide
The time has come to face my fears
I am drowning in my tears
My life is just an illusion it appears 
I am drowning in my tears

Another groundhog day greets me
Going through the motions once again
A clowns painted smile I wear
I carry on regardless and hide my pain
For me the sun refuses to shine
Grief clouds my body and soul 
The future holds no joy for me
I am rapidly losing control

No point sending out an SOS
I am beyond help and sinking 
No mayday is needed for me
No rescue party required I'm thinking 
The time has come to face my fears
I am drowning in my tears
My life is just an illusion it appears
I am drowning in my tears
I am drowning drowning drowning in my tears

◄ Heaven Calling

Hugs For Nothing ►


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Tom Doolan

Thu 13th Jun 2024 09:26

Thank you Martin for your supportive feedback & comments. 👍

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Martin Peacock

Wed 12th Jun 2024 23:18

Loss immiserates us, Tom. I feel your pain.

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Tom Doolan

Wed 12th Jun 2024 15:31

Thanks for likes -Tom & Auracle 👍

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Tom Doolan

Tue 11th Jun 2024 13:25

Thank you Tim for your feedback & kind comments. 🙂
Thanks for likes - Stephen W, Aisha, Larisa, Hélène, Holden & Manish 👍

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Tim Higbee

Mon 10th Jun 2024 16:41

Tom, this piece is so precise and acutely sorrowful. It is powerful in an analytical sense of self-perception and preservation.
Excellent piece, thank you for sharing.

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