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Awakened beauty

In a world of made-up lies she lived,

Like Sleeping Beauty, unaware of deceit,

Surrounded by shadows, whispers of secrets kept,

She sensed the air was thick with mystery,

The nights cloaked in darkness, hiding truths untold.


A restlessness stirred within her soul,

A yearning for the truth, for clarity,

She saw through the façade, felt the deceit,

Yet no one dared to speak the words she sought.


Anxiety gripped her, curiosity driving her forward,

Time slowly unraveling the layers of deception,

Revealing the tangled webs of falsehood,

Her journey towards enlightenment fraught with obstacles.


A preacher tried to open her eyes, to guide her to the light,

But even he couldn't unveil what she already knew,

Others tried to uncover the buried truths,

Yet the dust of deception clung stubbornly.


Then a poet arrived, in his youthful glory,

Walking alongside her, seeking the same truth,

But his heart was captured by another,

His focus shifted, leaving her to fend for herself.


He left behind a replacement, undoing his deeds,

Turning her world upside down, shattering her truth,

Labeling her as unvirtuous, tarnishing her name,

Yet unwittingly pushing her towards her destiny.


As he sought to destroy, he uncovered her innocence,

Forcing the lies to crumble, revealing her purity,

In the end, all that was hidden emerged,

Her glory shining bright, her truth set free.


She stood tall, unshaken by the darkness,

Wisdom and intelligence her guiding lights,

Those who sought to deceive now cower in shame,

While she reigns in the power of her truth.


The air is still, under her command,

No longer swayed by the tales of lies,

For she knows the strength of wisdom,

And she leads, while others follow in her light.


◄ Elizabeth's family and life - Chapter 2

Let there be love and light ►


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Mon 15th Jul 2024 16:41

It did happen exactly how you mentioned it Nigel., woahhh 👍

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Nigel Astell

Wed 19th Jun 2024 14:35

The truth will always shine a light to cast aside the horrors surrounding her and send evil acts to the depths of the great unknown.😎

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